“You’re breaking up with me?” She asked with a broken heart.
“What part of ‘should see other people’ can’t you comprehend, Marissa?”
She hung up the phone, seething with rage and pain. She threw the phone onto her bed and cried; what wasn’t she doing correctly? The phone rang, and she ignored it. Again and again the anonymous caller tried to reach her. After the fifth time, she picked it up.
“Go awaaaayyy Chad-”
“Hi- ooh, so that’s why you didn’t pick up the first, like, billion times I called.” Marissa felt her spirits rising, for it was Max, her best friend.
“O-my-God Max.” she said with relief.
“So tell me, what did he do this time.”
“Well he cheated on me again-”
“And- yeah, again! Anyways, I called him and was like ‘so who’s Summer’ and he was like ‘if you’re gonna be like that, we should see other people,’ so then I was like-”
“Sweetheart, don’t worry about him, because I called you with fabulous news.”
“Oh?” Marissa was already smiling.
“You. Me. Annnnnnd the new Spring line at the mall.”
“Jesus, Maxxi, you’re just too cool!”
“I know~” he said with a happy tune.
“See you there, faggot-” She hung up as Max laughed.
Max was openly gay, and Marissa knew it; it bothered her none.
Max had taken Marissa to their favourite stores at the Megaplux Mall. While they drank their smoothes, Max continued to listen to Marissa’s post-breakup rant.
“So that’s, like, the 8th boyfriend to cheat on me and the break up with me. Ew, they gave me strawberry.”
“I got blueberry, wanna trade?”
“Psh, do I?”
They swapped drinks.
“I’ve been telling you for, like, a billion years that YOU need to break up with THEM when THEY cheat on YOU, have I not?”
“Nice emphasis.” She giggled.
“Yeah, well, I try.” Marissa gave a deep sigh.
“I just… I dunno, I feel like I’m the issue.”
“Oh shut up~ You are SO not the issue.”
“Really? You think?”
“Yes, I think often, but I’m telling you that I think that you need to break up with them.” Marissa laughed again. “What?”
“I dunno, you always make me laugh.”
“Wellll, what can I say?”
“That you’re freaking awesome?”
“That could work.” Marissa watched a couple walk by.
“Be strong, girlfriend, you’ll find a worthy male sometime.” She smiled to herself.
“Psh, you should just date me.”
“I’m gay, honey.”
“Yeah, you’re hot for studs, but I mean we should totally go out.” Of course, she was kidding, and Max knew it.
“Psh I ain’t holding your lady-hands. I need a man!”
“I’m a wo-man!”
“Woah man~ Ok, ok, we should go to prom together.”
“What about Chase?”
“He can go with my sister.”
“Isn’t your sister, like, 20?”
“Yup. C’mon, let’s go egg Chad’s house.”
“You’re so totally my favourite fag.”
The songs I will be analyzing will contain or revolve around the idea of LBGTS values
Gay Rights

Why did I choose this Concept?
The theme of my blog was chosen for 2 very simple reasons;
~ Some people refuse to believe in hate. I don't mean this in the way that they hate, but they believe that there is no hate.
I apologize... but there is hate, especially for LBGT rights.
Some people refuse to believe in love for all. Yes, I am addressing the homophobics or those who hate LBGT peoples.
This negativity, unfortunatley, has spread to the bliss of music
~ I am a transvesite who has plans for a future sex change, therfor I know what it is to be hated for who I am. Of course I just smile it off and leave, but sometimes words need to be said...
This is where I will speak the words that need to be said, and show the world how cruel it can be to those who are just being who they are.
~ Some people refuse to believe in hate. I don't mean this in the way that they hate, but they believe that there is no hate.
I apologize... but there is hate, especially for LBGT rights.
Some people refuse to believe in love for all. Yes, I am addressing the homophobics or those who hate LBGT peoples.
This negativity, unfortunatley, has spread to the bliss of music
~ I am a transvesite who has plans for a future sex change, therfor I know what it is to be hated for who I am. Of course I just smile it off and leave, but sometimes words need to be said...
This is where I will speak the words that need to be said, and show the world how cruel it can be to those who are just being who they are.
What is LBGTS?
This is all put into one word and/or abbreviation to symbolize UNITY
Lesbian: A woman who is attracted to other women exclusively
Bisexual: One of either sex attracted to either sex
Gay: A man who is attracted to other men exclusively
Trans(sexual): Post sex change operation
Trans(vestite): One who dresses in the opposite sex
Straight: One of either sex attracted to the member of the sex opposite to their own exclusivley
This is all put into one word and/or abbreviation to symbolize UNITY
Lesbian: A woman who is attracted to other women exclusively
Bisexual: One of either sex attracted to either sex
Gay: A man who is attracted to other men exclusively
Trans(sexual): Post sex change operation
Trans(vestite): One who dresses in the opposite sex
Straight: One of either sex attracted to the member of the sex opposite to their own exclusivley
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Song Prompt Lyrics
Gay Boyfriend by The Hazards
1...2... Ready, Go....
I'm tired of boys who make me cry
They cheat on me and they tell me lies
The one I love will never stray
When he sees other girls he looks away
And if he never kisses me well thats alright
Coz we can just cuddle all night
Gay Boyfriend, Gay Boyfriend
I dont really care that you are queer
Gay Boyfriend, Gay Boyfriend
I never feel lonely when you are near
It'll be a great romance We'll go shopping and buy some pants
You don't care how big my ass is Just how fabulous my dress is
1...2... Ready, Go.... You cry at movies on our dates
Romantic comedies sure are great
But when your sad i'll dry your tears
Coz i'll always think that you are fierce
I like cigarettes, and thats no gag
But you'll always be my favourite fag
You'll always be my favourite fag
You'll always be my favourite....
(Chorus x 3 to fade)
1...2... Ready, Go....
I'm tired of boys who make me cry
They cheat on me and they tell me lies
The one I love will never stray
When he sees other girls he looks away
And if he never kisses me well thats alright
Coz we can just cuddle all night
Gay Boyfriend, Gay Boyfriend
I dont really care that you are queer
Gay Boyfriend, Gay Boyfriend
I never feel lonely when you are near
It'll be a great romance We'll go shopping and buy some pants
You don't care how big my ass is Just how fabulous my dress is
1...2... Ready, Go.... You cry at movies on our dates
Romantic comedies sure are great
But when your sad i'll dry your tears
Coz i'll always think that you are fierce
I like cigarettes, and thats no gag
But you'll always be my favourite fag
You'll always be my favourite fag
You'll always be my favourite....
(Chorus x 3 to fade)
Thursday, April 7, 2011
For those unaware, the definition of plagiarism is the act of copying another's work while claiming it as their own. One example of lyrical plagiarism is the debate as to whether Robbie Williams' "I've been expecting you" copycats Loudon Wainwright III's "I am the Way." The alleged plagiarism is over the phrase "I suppose even the son of God/Gets it hard sometimes," which is featured and repeated in both songs.
Prompt Swap
Adam smiled to himself, counting the money he had gotten from his regular Tuesday night of passing X off to his 'clients.' "Sweet green." the smug grin never left his face. "They take the pill, I get the dough. I ought to suppose Tony will want a cut of tonight's profit." He put his thick wad of cash into his wallet. "Tomorrow... maybe." Adam whistled on as he came across Tony himself, under a dim lamppost. "Well, Adam?" "You know, same old same old." "You say that every night. Does this mean that I can assume-" "When I get some cash flow, I'll let tou know." said Adam, his hand nervously gripping the leather pouch in his pocket. "Wrong." "Excuse me, Tony?" Before he knew it, the back of his head was struck and the world went white. By the time he could blink back into focus, he was already being struck into a shady oblivion... It was hours before he awoke. "Tony, c'mon man, this is crazy!" Adam said through a fat, bloody lip. "I'm missing teeth, man!" "Shut your yap, Adam, you've been laundering cash from me for the past year, and you know it!" "I dunno, man, but this is crazy!" "Enough talking" "Crazy!!" Tony had Adam tied up in the back of his own car, a few henchmen in there with them. Tony drove Adam's sweet lexus to the suburbs. "Are you taking me home?" "To hell, I am." Just a few blocks off from his abode, Adam was thrown onto the sidewalk. His body tumbled, gaining severe road rash on his body; if Tony hadn't stolen his thick winter coat, the one which contained his heavy wallet, he wouldn't have been ripped up so bad. In the middle of the February night, Adam bled and froze whilst wallowing in his own lonliness. By the time the morning had arrived, Adam was rushed off in an ambulance [summoned by the neighbors]. His mother, sister, and girlfriend were at his side once he was declared stable. In a coma, yes, but stable... "Who did this?" asked Angela. "Why would anyone do this to him?!" Only Adam and Tony would know.
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